Highwood’s May President’s Message

Highwood pm

As we look forward to putting this spring into history books, I want to say thanks to the many who stepped up to volunteer to help any in the community who needed it through this time. Seeing the pictures in windows, and the Easter decorations across some of our yards reminds me that we live in a great neighborhood.

If you do find yourself in lockdown, or could use someone to venture off to pick something up, please reach out to the Highwood Community Association. There are many who are willing and able to help out.

With what must have been a record long outdoor rink season, we look forward to the summer. The Community Association is looking to host a couple events and to finally celebrate the re-opening of the Highwood Pool. However, we are holding off publishing tentative dates until further guidance is provided by the City of Calgary and our province. We will be announcing events through our community signage, on our website, and through our social media pages.

Please continue to wave and say hi to neighbors, even if it’s at distance, and stay healthy.

Yours truly,

Brody Todd

Highwood Community Association President