Sandstone’s Notes from the President for April


Happy Easter!

No matter what the weather is doing, here’s an opportunity right in our community to exercise – the Berkshire Citadel Church is opening their gym every Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday mornings from 10:00 am to 12:00 pm. You can also enjoy a drink of water, tea, and coffee, at no charge, in their foyer where they have café style tables.

Congratulations to a long standing SMCA volunteer, Joe Tofani! Joe moved to MacEwan in 1991 and has volunteered with SMCA since 1996 because he wanted to help at the skating rink. When the rink was installed in 1996, it was an arduous task to clean and flood the ice because there was no heated shed, no heated water pipe, and no powered machines, but Joe says thankfully there was beer! We have come a long way since then. He has met many dedicated and talented people while volunteering with the SMCA that have the interests of the community members at heart. Joe feels that volunteers make the community a much better place to live in, and we thank Joe for making SMCA an extraordinary community association.

The SMCA is going to sponsor yoga classes at the Berkshire Citadel Church on Saturday mornings from 9:30 to 10:30 am. There will be a series of 10 classes offered in the spring for $10 per class (drop-in) and free for SMCA members. We will be there to sign up new members. Stay tuned for the start date.

We are hosting our community compost day on May 7, 2022. Big Man Landscaping has agreed to sponsor this event once again and we cannot thank them enough. This is an extremely popular event, with individuals lining up prior to our 10:00 am start. This year, we will allow those with an SMCA $20 membership the opportunity to have access to the compost until 11:00 am. Volunteers will be available to assist those who wish to purchase a membership.

Thank you to those who continue to volunteer for the Gardening Project! Please join the Facebook group, Sandstone MacEwan Community Gardeners, to get more information or email [email protected].

We are excited to let you know we are closer to having our development permit application approved for our shed replacement on Sandstone Drive. Our goal is to have a larger building so we can officially operate our Skating Program next fall. The direct area will be considered a construction zone adjacent to the soccer field.

Don’t forget to submit your photos to the SMCA newsletter at [email protected]. Photos must be high resolution and received by the 9th of the month to get into the following month’s edition.

We have over 1,000 Facebook followers, 500 Twitter followers, and over 200 Instagram followers! Please contact us on our website or our social media sites, including Facebook SMCA, Twitter @sandstonemac, or Look for our occasional emails with our updates and email us at [email protected] to be included in this distribution list.

Sue Coatham

President, SMCA

[email protected]