Your Productivity Guru in Montgomery – February

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Use Common Scents

by Karl Plesz

One thing that some workers have started doing at their desks is installing a device that generates a scent of some kind, to ‘freshen the air’. Many of us already deal with scents worn on the person. Perfume is like the most addictive drug. The more you use, the more you seem to need going forward. That may be the most outrageous analogy I’ve created. The problem is the amount of perfume or cologne many people use is in fact much more than is actually needed to broadcast a subtle aroma. Those desk-side scent generators people have started using however, take this potential problem to a whole new level.

Those of us who are sensitive to overpowering smells can’t just keep our distance, because the scent is being belched in volumes that can fill an entire office floor. Yes, cinnamon smells great. But I need to be able to get away from it at some point. If my glass of water or my meeting minutes smell like cinnamon, that’s not good. Worse, if it smells like lemongrass and sage, I’m going to start retching.

There are a few people that can handle this level of fumigation, but I’m definitely not one of them. I can barely make it through the perfume department at the department store. I can only imagine how it affects those with a keen sense of smell, or worse, allergies. This issue has gotten so bad, that in some workplaces, scents of any kind have been banned outright. The same goes for perfumes. It’s just too much and it can lead to nausea and even migraines in some people.

So please do us all a favour. Save your favourite perfume for nights out on the town or the next dinner date. And install your scent dispersion device beside your computer at home. On behalf of everyone with a sensitive nose, we thank you.

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