Mount Pleasant’s Board Report for December

MountPleasant mb

The submission deadline for the November edition of the Pulse did not permit a full report about the Annual General Meeting in October. Here are additional details. We again thank those who attended this meeting and ensured that we had a quorum! We are pleased that the proposed amendments to the Bylaws were passed and are being submitted to corporate registry. The following individuals were re-elected for an additional term on the Board of Directors: Jessica Karpat (President); Chris Best (Vice President); Murray Anderson (Hall); and Matt Crist (Green Initiatives). In addition, Asia Walker was re-elected as our Planning Director. Asia had held the role jointly with Alison Timmins. We welcomed the following new Directors: Clarissa Han (Treasurer – one-year term); Jeff Gerlitz (Sportsplex); Jen Malzer (Engagement). We want to thank the following Directors who finished their terms and have stepped down after serving us very well: Roger Leach (Sportsplex); Alison Timmins (Planning); Tamara Flindell (Treasurer); and Natalia Gorobinski (Special Events). On the theme of elections, we congratulate our newly elected Councillor, Terry Wong. Terry gets an extra round of applause for attending the AGM on the day following his election to City Council!

Shortly after our AGM, we were finally able to tour the newly completed CKE Community Hall. We appreciated the opportunity to see a new community hall in Calgary as we proceed with plans for a new facility in our community. We are very grateful to the CKE representatives who took the time to give us an extensive tour and provide valuable insights for us.

As we move into the holiday season, we wish everyone a safe and happy holiday. We hope for a healthy and happy 2022, with a return to full activities as soon as possible.

Philip E. Carr

Past President, MPCA
