Reflections on Ranchlands Community


I joined the community garden before becoming a board member. With the support from our Ranchlands community, our garden thrives this year, with the most participation and abundance in plant diversity.

Saying hi to the growing plants while watering and meeting peer gardeners while visiting are two of my favourite elements about our community garden. In the garden we acquaint, exchange names of ourselves and the plants we are growing, share our gardening stories, and laugh together when dealing with poky plants like radishes.

Becoming a resident in Ranchlands is not by choice but meant to be. The photo of the big tree in my backyard captivated me and the universe guided me through the transition. Serving on the board is an honour and gardening just grows my love for life deeper and deeper, particularly my home community, Ranchlands.

Thank you for reading my joy of gardening.

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