Rosemont’s January Message from the President


From Kris

I would once again like to thank all the Rosemont residents who attended our first virtual AGM last month. We had a record turn out, and thanks to Matthew, we overcame our technological shortcomings to, in fact, have a very interesting and productive meeting. I would like first to congratulate and thank all the members of the executive team, Matthew Guilherme, Mel Gallant, and Diane Myers, for returning for another year, a year like none of us have ever experienced before. On a very positive note, I would like to congratulate and welcome Matthew as the new President of the Rosemont Community Association. After 22 years, I have stepped down to be the VP, and am very happy to be part of this very dynamic group. Their contribution to the community through these uncharted COVID waters has been nothing short of spectacular.

From Matthew

I want to echo what Kris said about the great turnout to our first ever virtual AGM. We had a few bumps but will definitely be doing it again in the future. I am very excited to be switching places with Kris and taking on the President role. Nobody, and I sincerely mean nobody, can do the phenomenal job that he has done. We truly have been blessed to have such a committed and dedicated member of this community, who has such an uncanny ability to rally community members, traverse bureaucracy, and bring everyone together for great events, all with the biggest smile always plastered across his face. I will consider myself successful if I bring a small fraction of that skill to this role. If you see me, my wife Jenn, and our two small kiddos out and about, come say hi! (2 metres away of course). Actually, say hi to everyone right now. We could all use a few more smiles this winter.

From Both of Us

Despite not having any snow since the beginning of November, Kurt and company took advantage of the light snow and cold to get the rinks open in record time. The first skaters appeared on November 21, and the lads put down 20 coats/rink by the end of November. With the nice weather, things have been very busy down on the ice. We encourage everyone to please practice your social distancing and stay home if you’re feeling sick. We need to keep these rinks open for the mental wellbeing of everyone.

Anyone interested in helping out is more than welcome to join us down to the rinks any Monday or Thursday night after 7:00 pm to help out. You can keep up with the antics of the now Famous Rosemont Ice Guys at their blog at

Shinny is scheduled to start on January 5 but will be dependent on COVID restrictions. As a reminder, the program is scheduled to start January 5 and go to the end of March, or until there is no more ice. Running 5:30 to 6:30pm on Tuesday nights. Ages 6 to 12, and all skill levels are welcome. We’ll have our great coaches to help improve your skill level and have fun. The cost will be $30.00 per player and community membership. Everyone is welcome (please contact us if financial reasons may be preventing you from participating).


Due to the ongoing pandemic restrictions, we will be keeping all the hockey activities outside. We’re asking all players to show up at the rink ready to go except for their skates. We’ll have the firepit going for a warm-up area. We will have hot chocolate available outside, but we will have to limit access to the Hall. Please visit for registration contact information.

As of mid-December, all of our in-person events are cancelled, and the Hall is closed until further notice (other than for permitted activities such as weddings, funerals, child services, etc.)

We are going to try to organize a virtual event for February, so please check our website later in January (and register for email blasts). Please keep safe and be kind.

Matthew Guilherme and Kris Olsen