Rosemont’s September Message from the President

Presidents Message Rosemont


I can’t believe we’ve had another summer come and go. Seems we’ve just finished soccer and we’re getting ready for hockey evaluations…

The September ROSEMONT Start-Up.

The RCA will be hosting the Rosemont START-UP on Saturday, September 15. It was quite successful last year. I know, there’ll be sports try-outs and school has just begun, but we feel that this will be a nice way to start the year off with a Community get together, and we will be trying to attract some more Rosemontians to get involved with the Community Association. We’re going to ramp things up with some new events and family activities.

Community Garage Sale: 9 am to 1pm.

Residents can book a table at the Community Hall or in the parking lot at a charge of $10 per spot. Interested residents are invited to register for the event through our website [email protected]. All participants are also asked to have up-to-date community memberships.

The second half of the day will start at 3:30 with outdoor games and entertainment for all the kids. The Barbeque will start around 5:30pm followed by some music and dancing.

We’re going to get some music going outside once again, drag out the fire pit and carry on until we run out of wood. It’s a great way to start the season. And hopefully our good Rosemont luck will return to keep the rain away this year.

The Rosemont Start-Up: Saturday, September 15

Come out and enjoy the games, our Favourite Rosemont Clown, Button, the Ponies some great tunes and some neighbourly hospitality…

Queens Park Cemetery and Off-Leash Park Updates

The city continues its stall tactics in an effort to lull residents into a false sense that the situation will go away. Quite to the contrary. This is a deliberate ruse by the City to let the passion over the closure of the Queens Park dog off-leash area lapse over the summer while they quietly slip through the permits to run over this area. Thanks to Cambrian Heights President, Daryll Connolly, and his troops for putting up such a great fight. The latest City correspondence is:

When we say the application is on hold no further work will proceed on the Land use redesignation until after the report to Council and Council direction in the fall. Parks is the applicant and we asked that our application be placed on hold until Council has an opportunity to consider the report.

There will be potentially two opportunities for the community and the public to have their positions considered. The first will be at committee. If continuation is supported the community and the public would have an opportunity to comment at the public hearing at Council for a Land use change.

The report that will coming from Parks it will include information that was collected at the public meetings the online info and the engagement report that the engagement staff will prepare. The report developed by Parks will outline background previous reports, options and alternatives considered, and the remaining capacity of Queens Park cemetery and the status of new cemetery development and land acquisition.

As such nothing further will proceed until the fall report. At this point we do not have any potential dates in the fall yet, but we will advise the community association once we have firm dates.”

For any of you who attended the City’s open houses on this matter, it was abundantly obvious that there was no support for the City’s proposal, and the City presented no viable alternatives for people who use this facility. I urge everyone, once again, to contact Sean Chu and the Mayor’s office to voice your opposition to another of the City’s land grabs.

Confederation Park Pond

Many of you wandering through Confederation Park over the past year and a half, must have shook your head at the City’s less-than-stellar pond observation deck project.

In the beginning, last spring, a Bobcat went in and unceremoniously ripped out all the beautiful willows and roses planted by the local school children eight years ago along the edge of the pond. Then into the pond plunged a large piling machine and very quickly, the sub-decking went into place.

Then came the pile of little stones, which seemed to be dumped by the pile of mud which we thought was a potential wheelchair ramp down to the eventual platform. The rocks looked like they would be good fill for all the holes created by the Bobcat. But no, low and behold, an expert rock placing group, from BC no less, showed up to hand place every single little rock into the metal casing that formed the backdrop for the platform. Hand placed every single little rock. This was around the July long weekend last year.

Then a beautiful concrete series of steps was poured from the pathway to the base of the still as yet not finished platform. Then a sandblasting crew showed up to blast all the whatever off the newly poured concrete steps. As of yet, no planking was on the deck joists, although there was a pile of lumber dumped at the top of the ramp which hopefully protected the decking from the elements. Then nothing. Except, sometime later, the brand-new stairs were jackhammered out and another set of stairs poured. And nothing until this spring, when miraculously, a beautiful railing was put in along the hand-placed rock wall down to a platform that still didn’t exist. Then a welder appeared to put in a very nice railing on the outside of the platform, that still didn’t exist. That railing was also torn down and replaced. Finally, sometime in June, the decking was finally laid down, only to have three or four pieces torn up, and the platform remained closed for another month.

It is finally open, and at what cost we can only speculate. But as a resident of Rosemont, all I can say is get out there and admire the beautiful work and the lovely park that was created by citizens of Calgary like Erie Musgreave, who had a vision and had the intestinal fortitude to see the vision through. Thank goodness. As cynical as this sounded, I would like to acknowledge and thank the 13 local Lions Club chapters who raised the funds necessary to finish the project, using natural materials and rock found near the site. Interpretive signage educating visitors about the local wildlife will also be put up in the near future. In the end, it is a beautiful addition to the Park.

Thanks to the outstanding efforts of Ian Kirkland and all the great volunteers from Rosemont, we were able to successfully runningthe two casinos September 4 & 5 at the Elbow River Casino.

Rosemont owes a huge debt of gratitude to Ian for his diligent and patient organization of this vital event that helps finance many of our Community Hall upgrades and events…

Family Matters

The Rosemont Community is happy to announce that it has renewed our affiliation with “Family Matters” for another year, who will be offering a series of family-orientated programs out of our Community Hall.

Vision: A connected community in which children and families are empowered and supported to be happy, healthy and productive

Mission: Promote optimal child development by empowering families to be resilient and fostering positive family relationships.

Families Matter Society was created in 2003 with the amalgamation of three agencies that served a variety of parenting needs.

Their services include the following programs:

Terrific Toddlers – a program that helps parents understand and support the developmental needs of children 1-4 years old. This program offers complimentary childcare as well.

Circle of Security – Children require structure and warmth to feel safe and create the basis of trusting relationship with their parent. This program supports parents in a the learning journey of a child’s attachment needs and how to fulfill them.

Papa Bears – early childhood attachment is the foundation for healthy learning and relationship. Papa Bears using story, rhyme, singing and snuggling to build those physical relationships. This program is for fathers and children 1-4.

Connect – In partnership with CARYA, Families Matter supports CONNECT. Strong family relationships are important and needed. Your relationship with your child, particularly as they approach adolescence, needs positive attention to thrive.This 11 week program supports parents and caregivers of adolescents (8-18). Participants learn how to manage behaviors through increasing awareness and cooperation. Parents are encouraged to look at their child through a relational lens to better understand the attachment need being expressed through their child’s behaviors. This program will help you find ways to create a closer connection with your child.

Call 403-269-9888 for more information.

We are very excited for the opportunity to work with Family Matters in offering a variety of Programs for residents around Rosemont.


We will be hosting our annual Halloween party on October 27. Things will start at 6pm, with a host of children’s activities and games.