Tuxedo Park’s October President’s Message

Tuxedo pm

Tuxedo Park Playground Survey

Thanks to all those who took time to complete the survey. The results were decisive for the “Space” playground option. The feedback provided was considerate and informative and showed how much our community cares about the playground. Can’t wait to see it next year.

Pedestrian Safety

With the park closed for construction, many in our community will be walking to different parks around our community, and this may mean crossing the busy streets such as Centre and Edmonton Trail. If you find the opportunities to cross unsafe and limited, let the city know through 311 and let the municipal candidates know as well. The North Central Mobility Study identified many opportunities to improve pedestrian connections and can be found here: engage.calgary.ca/greenline/mobilitystudy.


We often hear of items of concern in our neighbourhood from neighbours and through social media, things such as potholes, or excessive speeding, or untidiness. If you want the City to act on it, please send it in to 311, by telephone or online. It’s only by logging a 311 complaint that the city knows to take action.