West Hillhurst Learn to Skate – March

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WHSC | Spring 2023 Skate Registration

Spring 2023 skating registration is now open at the West Hillhurst Skating Club. We have Pre-CanSkate, CanSkate, and Adult and Teen Learn to Skate programs, as well as our extensive STARSkate programming. Registration is now open, complete program details (date/time/location), equipment requirements, are in the registration details.

Register For Spring Skating 2023

Please note, our skating programs only operate at the WHCA Arena in the spring on Mondays, Wednesdays, Fridays, and Saturdays.

Important Registration Tips

Prior to registering for any programs, please check that you have a valid annual WHCA and Skate Canada membership. If you don’t have one or both memberships, or if either has expired, you will need to purchase or renew your memberships before you register for any of the programs. This will prevent errors in your registration process.

If you forgot your WHCA account password, please do not create a new account. Call Carla at 403-283-0464, ext. 6. to reset your password.

Questions about the WHCA Skate Club program? Contact [email protected].