Chaparral President’s Message – May


The Chaparral Community Association’s Annual General Meeting is on Tuesday May 8th from 7pm-9pm at St. Sebastian Elementary and we need a great turnout to meet quorum to conduct this year’s business.  This year, for the first time since the CCA received the corporate donation of 1.75 million dollars from BFI Waste Management (Progressive Waste) in 2011, we are proposing to spend enough money to require membership approval. The CCA respectfully requests to withdraw an amount of $200,000 CAD from the Chaparral Enhancement Fund, which will be distributed as follows:

  1. $80,000 to the Chaparral Community Association (CCA) to initiate the replacement a playground at Chaparral Common and Chaparral Circle that has come to the end of its lifecycle. It is the CCA’s intention to leverage this amount to obtain other grant opportunities.
  2. $60,000 to St. Sebastian School for the enhancement of their outdoor recreation facilities and the addition of a new outdoor classroom.
  3. $60,000 to Chaparral School for the enhancement of their outdoor recreation facilities and the addition of a new outdoor classroom.

The CCA’s relationship with Chaparral Elementary, St. Sebastian Elementary and their parent council groups date back to 2015 when we initiated a collaborative relationship with each other. In the years since, the CCA has worked with Chaparral Elementary’s school council to fund new gymnasium basketball equipment and a new outdoor community sign. Knowing that public lands in the community are currently owned by either the City of Calgary, the Calgary Board of Education or the Calgary Catholic School District it seemed to the CCA that if we were going to make a larger impact with our enhancement fund that we would need to ask the schools to think about projects that would be of benefit to the students and also serve as a community asset.

Each school identified unique but complimentary projects that we are proposing. Chaparral Elementary would like to add outdoor tables, basketball courts, activity areas and minor playground extensions that would address the need the once K-4 school has now with the addition of grades 5 & 6. St. Sebastian is proposing buddy benches and an innovative natural outdoor classroom that will diversify and enhance learning for our youth and promises to be a creative meeting space for groups like the scouts, girl guides and other community organizations.

If you would like to be apart of the decision on these initiatives and you are already a member, please mark your calendar and plan to attend. If you are not already a member but would like to be, pick up a membership for only $20 at our local ATB Financial brand in Walden or email [email protected] more information.

Looking forward to seeing you there.