Deer Ridge’s December Message from the Board


The festive season is upon us and with it comes plenty of winter fun, time off for the kids, possibly opportunities to be with family, or maybe a trip away. We would like to take this opportunity to wish you a very happy and safe holiday season. We all have a lot on our minds at this time of year – be it holiday fun, all the extra things we need or want to do, or just some party plans. Please remember to take it easy and stay safe on icy roads – let’s give the kids, pedestrians, and other motorists a break, so that we can all enjoy some fun during this special time of year.

Children’s Christmas Party

Deer Ridge is once again partnering with Queensland Diamond Cove for the annual Children’s Christmas party, Saturday, December 14, from 1:00 to 4:00 pm at the Queensland Community Hall. Be sure to get your tickets A.S.A.P., as attendance is limited to 100 children. We ask that each family attending bring a plate of cookies, squares, or cakes. Also, we will accept donations for the Calgary Food Bank. If you are able to volunteer to help out in the pre-planning, or on the day of the event, please call Linda at 403-278-3366.

Deer Ridge Family Winter Skate

This winter’s annual and ever popular Deer Ridge Family Skate will be held on Saturday, January 11, 2020. There will be 2 skating rinks open for family fun, a fire to keep warm by, and free hot dogs and hot chocolate! You don’t have to be a member to come out and enjoy this event – all are welcome to join the fun!

Residential Traffic Safety

Are you concerned about traffic safety in Deer Ridge? Watch for an opportunity to discuss traffic safety in the community with a member of the Calgary City Police Service’s Residential Traffic Safety Unit (RTSU) at an upcoming Deer Ridge Community Association meeting (date to be determined). The RTSU has reached out to us with the following information:

“The Calgary Police Service’s Residential Traffic Safety Unit (RTSU) hopes to further expand public engagement to include individual community associations, as well continue to work with city partners on road design in newly constructed areas. After reaching out for the first time, this spring, to Community Associations, we saw some excellent feedback and were able to directly address some Residential Traffic Concerns.

“The goal of the RTSU is to optimize public safety for all users of the roadway. Driver compliance in regards to schools, playgrounds, distracted driving, speeding, pedestrian safety, cyclists and intersection safety being the emphasis. This is achieved through public engagement, education and enforcement.

“The RTSU partners with the City Roads Department and the Councillor’s offices to host semi-annual public traffic safety meetings. The intent is to engage, educate and gather feedback from concerned citizens within their Ward boundaries. After these meetings the RTSU will deploy and monitor the issues raised, providing the results back to the concerned citizen. This permits the RTSU to have increased visibility, engagement, and targeted enforcement within residential areas.

“The RTSU also administer the Traffic Service Request program which allows individuals to inform the Calgary Police Service of the concerns in their neighborhoods. Citizens can go online at and follow the links to submit a Traffic Service Request.”

City of Calgary Guidebook for Great Communities

The Federation of Calgary Communities has drawn our attention to an important statutory document that the City of Calgary will consider at a Public Hearing on December 16 – the Guidebook for Great Communities. The guidebook is intended to direct how communities, such as ours, will evolve and grow. It’s a statutory policy tool designed to influence the City’s approach to local area planning and redevelopment. The idea is to take into account an area spanning several communities, when planning parks, schools, and infrastructure, including roads, sewers, shopping, and service areas.

Why is this important to us, as a community? The Guidebook is intended to be the base for City policy, setting out the City’s plan for our area, and will guide what the City is looking for and will accept, when we go to them with our community planning concerns or initiatives.

Find out more at:

You, and all Calgarians, have an opportunity to engage in the Public Hearing at Council by writing a letter and/or attending and speaking on December 16.

Deer Ridge Community Association Board Meetings

Would you like to know more about what’s happening in your community? Would you like an opportunity to hear directly from a representative of the Calgary Police Service, the City of Calgary, or the Province of Alberta, and find out more about community safety, planning, or resources? You can get all this by attending a Board meeting. Please plan to join us.

Next meeting: Tuesday, January 21, 2020 at 7:00 pm

Location: Lutheran Church of The Good Shepherd, 13811 Deer Ridge Dr. SE

We are actively seeking members to volunteer on the Board of Directors. If you can spare as little as a few hours a month, please contact us.

Merry Christmas, Happy Holidays, and the very best in 2020 to everyone!