Deer Run’s Message from the Board for December


Zoom Calls with Santa and the Giving Tree

Christmas is quickly approaching! To help celebrate the season, we have two community events happening; Zoom Calls with Santa and the annual DRCA Giving Tree.

Santa is virtually visiting kids through Zoom calls in early December. If you would like your child to participate, look for sign up details on our website at Spots are limited. It was a huge hit last year with many surprised kids. We are applying for a city grant to help cover the costs.

The Giving Tree is an opportunity for residents of Deer Run to provide necessities and gifts for local families in need during Christmas. Our tree supports about four families. We coordinate with local schools and churches to select families and to ensure we don’t miss anyone. We encouraged you to view and select gift tags from our virtual online tree. If you are not computer savvy, there will also be a real tree with tags at the Community Centre. Please call the Centre in advance, then go pick up your tag. Gifts must be new, labelled, and delivered unwrapped to the Deer Run Community Center by 5:30 pm on December 15, 2021. Find the Giving Tree at

Public Outdoor Ice Skating

The cold brings us ice and excitement. We have two outdoor rinks with lighting right behind the community centre. These rinks are free and open to the public. You can leisure skate or play a little shinny with the provided nets. The outdoor season typically runs from December to March and the lights are on from about 6:00 to 10:00 pm daily. The lights are controlled by the Community Centre.

The Rink Ratz ice maintenance crew recently held a kick-off party with last year’s volunteers. They did a shed raising to protect the Centre’s preschool toys that remain outdoors. Thanks everyone for helping! They are looking for more volunteers. To join, contact the rink coordinator, Marc Blais, at 403-689-3374 or by email at [email protected].

Community Centre Parking Lot

We hired Disciple Homes to clear the entire parking lot during heavy snow events. If you use the parking lot for school drop-off, to access the ice rinks, or as an extra parking stall, and are not a member, please consider making a donation or getting a Deer Run Community Association Membership to help cover the costs. Memberships are annual (based on the date executed) and cost just $30. See our website for details.

Heating and Alarm Systems

Last month, our furnaces required an emergency repair. Thankfully the City covered 75% of the cost with an emergency addition to the existing CCG grant. We are reapplying for the CCG city grant and matching CFEP provincial grant to ensure our building’s heat and alarm systems are maintained. The grants will also cover replacing the missing rink pole.

Volunteer in Your Community

Do you wish there were more fun events and opportunities in Deer Run? Do you see room for improvement? Then volunteer with the Deer Run Community Association – we could really use your help. To volunteer with the Board, contact us by email and tell us what you can offer. We have people on our team who love paperwork, people who love to paint, people who love to plan, people who love to write, and those who like to construct. We have a very diverse and fun team. Many talents make for a great community. Contact information is on the Board Members page on our website.

We wish everyone a safe, fun-filled holiday, Merry Christmas, and a Happy New Year!

Deer Run Community Association