Litter Around Fairview – April 2023

Fairview cn

by Michelle Stensrud, Roving Reporter

Ahh, spring! Such a lovely time of the year! Trees are budding with new life, flowers are popping out of the earth, and snow is melting away… showing all the gross, disgusting garbage people have littered all winter.

After our previous article about off-leash dogs, I received several emails from concerned neighbours who were pleased the topic was covered. However, they wanted to bring another Fairview problem to light: littering!

One resident mentioned that several times a week, they are picking up empty cigarette packs, chain restaurant cups, disposable masks, and all sorts of other garbage from their lawn. When you take a look on the ground throughout the neighbourhood, it seems that littering is an ongoing problem not only for the neighbours that I heard from, but for many others and in many areas of the community. I don’t live on one of the busier roads, or close to a park, and I know how much garbage I pick up! I can only imagine how much garbage is left around busier spaces.

Since my kid was little, I have always encouraged him to put his garbage either in a bin if one is around, or in his pocket until we reach one. If you have some garbage when you’re walking out and about, please follow suit! And if you have some free time, why not do a little garbage clean up around the neighbourhood? Fairviewers will thank you!

Whether or not you walk around the neighbourhood, I’m sure we can all agree that seeing garbage is gross and brings down the appearance of Fairview.