January Message From Your CLCA President


Happy New Year Legacy!

That’s right, it’s 2024, and we made it through another year. Sure, we had some highs and some lows, but we made it through, and no matter what, I encourage you to all look back at the past year and focus on the positives that came of it and use that as inspiration for the next year.

Speaking of the new year, we are excited to have events and programs coming. Family Skate is just around the corner in February. We will have events and activities to enjoy so make sure to mark it on your calendars and remember to always check out our webpage and social channels to stay up to date on what is going on in the community.

Finally, before I let you go for another month, I want to bring an ask to the community for the new year. We are very much in need of one to two people that may have a background in event planning or maybe want to learn more about the process to join our board and become the new Event Directors for the next term starting in April. Our current Event Director will be stepping down and we would love for a few passionate individuals to collaborate with us and help plan these events.

If you’re interested, please do not hesitate to reach out to me, let’s chat! I will let you know my passion right now as to why I joined and why I do what I do for the community. It’s my daughter. She is my light. She gives me a sense of purpose. Though she is only a couple of months old, she fills me with hope, and I want this community to be an amazing place for her to grow up in. With that said, I need your help to do that for her, and for you, and the ones you care for.

Happy New Year Legacy, I am wishing you all the best in 2024 and cannot wait to connect with as many of you as I can in the new year!

Ryan Wilson

CLCA President

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