McKenzie Lake’s Letter from the Office – March

MLRA cn Mckenzie Lake ML RA

Hello McKenzie Lake residents …. and hello March!

Spring is in the air, officially arriving on March 20! March is also the month when animals start waking up from hibernation!

Preschool registration is open for September classes. You can register on our website at It is a wonderful way for children to prepare for kindergarten. Register before classes are full!

You can also register for our Before & After School program. Our program includes structured time and free play time, where each child can build upon their own abilities at their pace and level of readiness. Registration for St Cardinal Newman is full. You can email the office to be put on a waitlist.

We offer pickleball on Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday mornings from 9:30 am to 12:30 pm, and Fridays from 9:30 am to 12:00 pm as long as there is not a PD Day in the school system. There is a $5 drop-in fee. Please try to have exact change. You can also purchase a punch card. We have all the equipment needed! All players of any skill level are very welcome on any day to play. We were all once new at something!

McKenzie Tots is on Thursdays from 10:00 am until noon. There is a $5 drop-in fee. We have an abundance of toys for the children to play with, and a bouncy castle! There is coffee/tea or hot chocolate for the adults. Come on down!

Summer Camps: Thank you to everyone who has registered their children for our camps, with records numbers! We have a great team that has already started planning the weekly activities. See you soon!

“Springtime is the land awakening. The March winds are the morning yawn.” – Lewis Grizzard.

Laureen Husband

Facility Administrator