News from the Sundance Lake Residents Association for April 2023

MidSun cn

Upcoming Events:

Spring Scavenger Hunt

April 1 to 9

Hop on down to the lake office and pick up your scavenger hunt form. Easter themed items have been hidden throughout the park (all outdoors). Record the names of the items on the scavenger hunt form and turn in your form to the office to enter our prize draw.

Town Hall

April 27

Join us on April 27 at 7:00 pm in the Banquet Room at the lake for our next Town Hall Meeting. A Town Hall is an informal information and question and answer session for the members of Sundance Lake.

Call for Fun Volunteers!

We have two events that we would like to bring to the lake this year but need 5 to 10 volunteers for each event to make it happen.

A Band in the Park

Proposed Date: June 30

Sandcastle Competition

Proposed Dates: July 19 to 23

Please email [email protected] if you are interested in bringing these ideas to life. Committees will meet for two hours on the initial meeting, then you can expect one to two hours per week until the day of the event.