New Brighton: Spring is Here, Summer Around the Corner, but Let’s Not Forget the Winter

NewBrighton cn

Why keep the winter in mind? Because our secondary roads look like a war zone. We put a lot of messages out there about not shoveling the snow into the streets, yet it seems that the easy way wins over and over. We have emails from residents who don’t want to call the City on their neighbours, but they email us to vent about people shoveling the snow into the road, making bigger piles, bigger hazards, and taking a longer time to melt. It’s on all of us to be good neighbours. Aside from the fact that it is against the law to shovel the snow into the road, imagine what a pleasant drive it would be for everyone if we clean the snow from the road. Our grass will thank us for the extra moisture when everything melts, and you can save on the gym membership.

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