CKE Community Garden Update for February

ChinookPark cn

Gardening magazines based in locations milder than the prairies – like coastal BC, or England – are full of lists with gardening tasks for February. Cutting back grasses, dividing perennials, planting spring containers, and even sowing early vegetable seeds! It’s easy to be jealous, knowing that we are at least a couple of months delayed when it comes to carrying out some of these activities. But prairie gardeners can consider it a luxury to be able to slow down and contemplate the garden and the coming season, without feeling like we are somehow behind.

The cold month of February is the perfect time to take stock of how your garden performed last year and plan for changes you want to make. Go through your veggie seeds and figure out which ones are still viable (seeds do have a shelf life, after which germination rates decline) and will need replacing – a great reason to spend time with always-tempting seed catalogues. Look through photos of your garden, examining what worked and what might need improving. Plan for any soil amending that might be needed, or the addition of a layer of mulch. Both are much easier to do early in the season before plants have spread to cover the soil.

Many organizations have planned speakers, presentations, and workshops for this down time in the garden, so take advantage of any learning opportunities that are available to you. There is always something new to learn! The CKE Community Garden will be planning education events as well, so stay tuned!

Spring always seems to come late, and then be gone in a flash, so be happy of the gift this month offers to allow you to be ahead of the game when the snow finally melts.

Happy gardening!