CKE’s Community Garden Update for January

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While it may seem impossible to garden in the winter, pruning is one task that can be successfully carried out this time of year. Pruning woody plant material while it is dormant reduces stress and conserves the plant’s energy for spring growth. For trees and shrubs that lose their leaves it is much easier to see the shape and condition of the bare branches.

Any pruning should start with the three Ds – dead, damage, and diseased wood. Prune these out first, while also looking for branches that are rubbing or crossing. Then stand back and look at the shape of the plant. When pruning for aesthetics, the rule of thumb is not to take more than a third of the remaining healthy plant material. Pruning for size should be kept to a minimum. Ideally, woody plants are chosen, located, and spaced according to their mature size.

Evergreen trees and shrubs can be pruned anytime of the year, but there are some exceptions for flowering woody plants. Early bloomers plants such as double flowering plum, lilacs, crab-apples, and chokecherries form flower buds in the previous season. These will be removed by winter pruning, and flowering will be reduced. Prune directly after flowering for maximum blooms. Birch trees have a heavy sap flow in the spring and pruning should be avoided, making winter dormant pruning perfect for birch trees and shrubs.

Elm trees are subject to a pruning ban between April 1 and September 30 each year in an effort to prevent the spread of Dutch Elm Disease. Elm bark beetles (vectors of the disease) are active during this time and may be attracted to the scent of fresh tree cuts. Prune elm trees only between October 1 and March 31. Another great candidate for winter pruning.

Winter is also the perfect time for learning more about gardening and sustainability with like-minded neighbours! Join us for our annual CKE Community Garden Movie Night! We’ll be at the CKE Hall on Friday, January 19 for a showing of A Simpler Way, a documentary that follows a community in Australia who came together to explore and demonstrate a simpler way to live in response to global crises. The movie will start at 7:00 pm so please arrive a few minutes early. Wine and snacks will be served, and donations accepted. Please feel free to bring any leftover Christmas treats you might still have at home! Members of our community and registered guests are welcome.

Happy Gardening!

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