Discovery Ridge’s July Message from the Board

DiscoveryRidge mb

We hope you and your family are staying safe and healthy during this time. We wanted to provide you with an update on a few items:

Social Distancing

It’s great to see many people out for walks and maintaining social distancing. Being active and social during this time is important for your mental and physical health. Please note that the tennis courts have recently opened with use guidelines in place. The playgrounds are now open.

Congratulations to All Graduates

The Board sends congratulations to all high school and university graduates as they embark on the next step in their education or begin a new career.

New Board Members

The DRCA is seeking new members since we have a few long-time board members retiring in the next year. If you would like to have a say in your community, and make a big difference, this is a great opportunity. We have a great board! The Board has monthly meetings, approximately 8 to 10 times over the year. Feel free to drop in on one of our board meetings to find out more. Email [email protected] for more details.

Discovery Businesses

Given that many small independent businesses are struggling during this crisis, we ask residents to support our local businesses since we are lucky to have them in our neighborhood. A number of Discovery businesses are open during this period and would welcome more community support.

Bottle Shack

The DRCA bottle shack is back. Please take this opportunity to drop off your bottles and cans. Proceeds from the shack go back into the community through DRCA community events, projects, and advocacy.

Community Events

The DRCA Music in the Park event, scheduled for Saturday, September 12, has been cancelled due to the City of Calgary community events COVID-19 guidelines.