Glenbrook President’s Message – November


Happy fall Glenbrook,

That certainty was an interesting start to the season this year. But as we know, one of the unique things about living in Calgary is the weather, and just when you think you have experienced it all, you get a year like this one; from setting an all-time temperature record in August with the warmest day ever recorded in Calgary, to the all-time snow record we set for October. Of course, part of what makes Glenbrook a great and friendly community to live in is our empathy and consideration for our neighbours. I saw many of our residents helping out their friends and neighbours during both of these unorthodox weather events. On that note, as winter approaches, please remember that all sidewalks need to be cleaned down to the bare concrete within 24 hours of a snow fall. Many of our residents, including seniors, continue to walk during the winter months, so let’s make sure we keep the sidewalks clean and safe. If anyone has a neighbour that struggles to keep their sidewalk clean, especially after a big snow fall, it is a great opportunity to step up to help and demonstrate what a great community Glenbrook is. Another reminder for the season: at no time are extension cords allowed to cross a sidewalk or pathway to plug in a vehicle. If you park on the street, you must find a way to run your cords such that they do not pose a tripping hazard. If we keep these things in mind, we can make Glenbrook a safer place for everyone.

The Glenbrook Community Association’s AGM was held on October 4th. We saw a change in our Bylaws, a review of the past year, and we mapped out our vision for Glenbrook in the upcoming years. We are always excited to see residents of Glenbrook attend, and we look forward to working towards these goals in 2019.

Remembrance Day is fast approaching. This year, November 11th falls on a Sunday, so it is a great opportunity to attend one of Calgary’s many ceremonies, to remember what the price of our freedoms are. One of the biggest is at The Military Museums; they are holding a special ceremony commemorating the 100th anniversary of the Armistice at the end of the First World War:

The Military Museums

4520 Crowchild Trail SW

10:30AM: Arrival of VIPs and Guests of Honour

11:00AM: Act of Remembrance

11:30AM: Laying of Wreaths

On Remembrance Day, the Museum will be open after the service. Admission is by donation. There will be limited parking available on site, in the field to the east of the Parade Square. Parking is also available at the Flames Community Arena to the South. Note that access to the Museums from the arena is through a pedestrian gate in the arena fence. Please dress warmly and plan to arrive early, as past events have been well attended. Containers will be provided for non-perishable food donations to the Veterans’ Food Bank.

Lastly, watch for our outdoor rink as our volunteers work away at getting the ice ready for everyone. Please pay special attention in our playground and school zones (they are now under the same speed restrictions that continue well past the time the sun sets), now that our days are shorter, and kids are not as easy to see; we all want them all home safe for the holidays.

All the best,

Murray Ost, President