Glenbrook’s President’s Message for April 2023

Glenbrook cn

Hello Glenbrook!

As winter comes to an end, we are all looking forward to spring and enjoying our community’s outdoor spaces more. April is always the start of street cleaning in Calgary, so watch for the signs in Glenbrook or call 311 for more information.

Glenbrook’s annual Community Cleanup for 2023 is scheduled for Saturday, May 6. More details can be found on the ad in this newsletter. We hope to see you there.

We have a newly formed social committee hard at work on developing new events and programs for Glenbrook. We will need volunteers to help out with these events, so if you are interested, you can email us at [email protected].

We continue to accept nominations for our two community awards. The first is the Glenbrook Lifetime Member Award, given to a Glenbrook resident with 15 or more years of dedicated volunteer service to our community. The second is the Glenbrook Community Partnership Award, given to a local business or organization with 10 or more years of work contributing to life in Glenbrook. Nomination forms are available at the Glenbrook Hall or by request to [email protected].

As always, please remember that playground and school speed zones run until 9:00 pm each evening. With warmer weather on the way, residents will be out much later into the evenings. Drive safe and take care on our streets.

Take care,


GCA President