Killarney-Glengarry’s Note from the Editor for February


Dear Neighbours,

As I write this in early January, I am on the last day of a trip to Ontario to visit with my family. It has been over two years since I did any sort of travelling, so it was a long overdue visit! February is the month that we associate with matters of the heart and not just romance! This month we have including an EMS article on heart health. In December, I signed up for the Run Calgary Winter Moves Challenge in which participants endeavour to completed 80 hours of outside physical activity between December 21 and March 20, and during my Ontario visit I have made the effort to go for a walk almost every day. This is certainly a great way to contribute to heart health!

I also hope that you like our cover stars this month – a family of trumpeter swans! Thank you to Heather Mansfield for her beautiful photograph.

Until next time!

Jane Phillips

Editor, [email protected]

Photo: Trail, Merrickville, Ontario