Kingsland’s Preschool News for September

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Hello September!

I love the change of the seasons and the start of the new Preschool year. New beginnings and fresh starts inspire me to be more present and creative in my classroom. It is exciting to meet all the new children and to get to know their families. September in the classroom is about getting to know ourselves, creating friendships, and building a classroom community. I believe that each child in our classroom brings a unique perspective, energy, and strength to our community.

We explore how each child is unique and has special interests, and how each family has their own special traditions and way of doing things. As a teacher I work hard to create space for each child to be themselves and to be accepted for who they are. By celebrating each child, we create a classroom that is safe and inviting for everyone who attends. In doing so, we set the foundation for a year of learning, growing, and thriving in our classroom environment.

The children have done self-portrait drawings, paintings, and self-portraits using loose parts. The children have so much fun gathering and sorting through all of the loose parts that are donated by Transalta. We are lucky to be gifted many amazing loose parts, office supplies, paper, and party supplies from the recent office move. We are so thankful for their support.

With wonderful weather, we are able to utilize the green space by our classroom along with the many wonderful parks in the neighborhood. We do have a few spaces in our four-year-old morning class which operates on Monday, Wednesday, and Friday morning. Please feel free to check us out at [email protected].

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