Marda Loop CA Community Crop Garden Society

MardaLoop cn

Knowing where your food comes from and eating what you grow can be a very satisfying experience. If you do not have the space at home to grow vegetables, herbs, and flowers, join a community garden.

Not only do you get fresh produce, but you can also make new friends, catch up with neighbours and get some fresh air and exercise.

Community Crop Garden Society is a non-profit volunteer driven gardening society. We have three pesticide free garden sites in central southwest Calgary totalling 121 allotment garden beds.

Our Three Garden Sites are:

1.) South Calgary Garden – 3130 – 16 Street SW

There are 46 garden plots, a large perennial garden, a native plant garden and a shade garden.

2.) Currie Booster Garden – 3410 – 16 Street SW

This garden has 36 garden plots. There are gooseberry and haskap bushes as well as a large rhubarb patch.

3.) Alternative High School Garden – 5003 – 20 Street SW

The 40 garden plots are laid out in a circular pattern. In 2023 we replaced the old wooden garden beds with new metal garden beds.

If you are interested in renting a garden bed, at one of our three garden sites for 2024, please email us at [email protected].

To find out more about us, please visit our website at

Follow us on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram.

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