MLCA Preschool – 2024/2025 – Welcome Back!

MardaLoop cn

Welcome back students! We are so excited to kick off another year at the preschool. Don’t forget our class times have slightly shifted. AM drop off is now 9:00 to 11:30 am and PM students will attend 1:00 to 3:30 pm.

A couple dates we could love you to note! Our Welcome Back Picnic is on Sunday, September 22. Be sure to check your emails for details closer to the date. It’s a great opportunity for us all to connect outside of the classroom.

And something maybe a little more fun for the parents (and your friends!) Please mark your calendars for our Wine & Beer night! A wonderful fundraiser for our school and your students that you won’t want to miss. Friday, October 18 at 8:00 pm.

Lastly, our parent run committee is still looking for a Treasurer and we would really love to have you! Please reach out if you think you might be a good fit. Happy September and welcome back to school!

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