Seniors in the Loop – May Update

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Seniors Introduced to Cardiac Crash

At MLCA’s Monday program for Seniors of Seniors in the Loop on April 8, 2024, an excellent and important in-service was presented. Two facilitators from the Heart and Stroke Foundation took the audience through their Cardiac™ Crash learning session. This program has only recently been launched by the H&S Foundation and is presented in a format similar to Family Feud. It was therefore most interactive and informative, complete with CPR practice on several types of “dummies”. How and when to use an A-Fib machine and the need for immediate assistance, including 911, was clearly taught.

In addition, members of MLCA made donations which amounted to $423 to the Heart and Stroke Foundation to assist them in continuing to educate more people and save lives.

Denise Bymak, Resuscitation Program Manager – Alberta, NWT, and Saskatchewan, who presented the program noted that our members “were all so welcoming and kind; and great compressors too!” Referring of course to their enthusiastic participation in CPR practice.

Should you need a CPR update and want a session such as this for your organization please contact Denise on 780-229-7019 or by email: [email protected].

Thank you to Reenie and Rita for their contribution to this article and to Pat and Robert for the accompanying pictures.

Heather Bhatty

Seniors in the Loop Director

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