Oakridge Civic Affairs July Update


Oakridge Back Lanes

Some residents are fortunate to have back lanes that are used by many residents, from kids walking to school to dog walkers, and even gardeners adding to their edible harvests and saving $$$. These gardeners grow things like tomatoes, garlic, potatoes, lettuce, rhubarb, and raspberries. Try it and be surprised by how tasty your homegrown produce is.

Please ensure your garbage bins and back alley green strips are tidy and kept free of invasive weeds. Be ready for the next ‘Battle of the Burbs’.

Road Safety

Yes, this applies to all of us. Although many of us have great newish cars or trucks, they are only as safe as the driver behind the wheel. Please pay attention to your speed and what is happening on and adjacent to roads – bikes, kids, dogs, and elders. The OCA Board is looking for someone who will continue to strive for safer roads in our neighbourhood. If interested, please reach out to us ahead of the AGM in September.

As we move into summer, we will have even more people out and about on our pathways, pedestrian crossings, at intersections without crossings, and even children playing in their front driveways. We encourage all residents to drive with care, obey the posted speed limits, and avoid distracted driving.

Calgary Police Service has also been intermittently present assisting with monitoring, education, and compliance enforcement. According to City statistics and road usage, Oakridge does not warrant many additional road calming improvements. If you have any specific concerns, please raise these with the City at 3-1-1 and share it with us at https://oakridgecommunity.ca/local-concerns.

Road changes are progressing at the 90 Ave and 24 St intersection with limited input from OCA.

Proposed Citywide Rezoning

On May 14, City Council approved citywide rezoning and made changes in response to feedback from Calgarians. This decision is presented as a response to Calgary’s housing crisis by enabling an increased housing supply and housing choices. Many themes emerged from feedback given during the public hearing, and Council has made changes to the original proposal to address concerns on issues such as parks, parking, and backyard suites associated with rowhouses and townhouses.

Some Community Associations and residents are still objecting to the planned approach and are raising it to the Provincial Government.

Co-op Development at Southland Dr and 24 St

Co-op construction is continuing, and they remain on track for a spring 2025 completion date. Unfortunately, there is no update on the planned subdivision regarding the NW corner of the site where the accommodation units are planned.

RioCan Development at Glenmore Landing

No further developments with respect to traffic assessments.

We have noticed some construction at the 16 St and 90 Ave intersection but this seems primarily to improve pedestrian mobility.

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