Oakridge Civic Affairs Report for October


Pedestrian and Bike Safety and Vehicle Speed and Volumes

Further to the prioritization details we provided in the June and July Echo editions, we had our temporary OCA endorsed and funded signs stating “Hello, Children Cross Ahead”, then the City temporarily placed trailers to alert drivers to ‘Slow Down’ when vehicles were speeding and lastly some residents have placed signs with a similar message in front of their houses. Our observations are that this has had some effect but is insufficient as many drivers are still speeding or demonstrating distracted driving. Our priorities have been expanded based on resident feedback:

  • 90 Avenue and Oakside Gate
  • Palliser Drive and 29 Street
  • Palliser Drive and Oakwood Drive (New – between 26 St and 29 St))

We did manage a bike ride with representatives of Ward 11 highlighting many of our areas of concern throughout Oakridge. We also submitted multiple ‘Service Requests’ via the City app: https://www.calgary.ca/311/mobile-app.html. We continue to try and follow up with some of the SRs made.

If you are concerned about you, your kids, your friends, or your senior neighbours’ safety, please use the 311 line or 311 app to request action on these road safety improvements or other changes you think would benefit our community. Regarding speeding, please contact Calgary Police Service (CPS) at: https://www.calgary.ca/cps/traffic/traffic-service-requests.html. Please keep the OCA informed of any submissions as this enables us to understand your concerns and represent your multiple perspectives.

Climate Change Emergency and OCA Mitigation

Within Oakridge OCA, we continue to assess and plan to coordinate some actions on growing trees, solar power, electric charging stations, etc. We are also discussing other improvements such as bike routes between green spaces with ’Oh My Oakridge”. The OCA Board is continuing to support placing solar panels on the OCA facilities, similar to the Southland Leisure Centre and select Heritage Park Facilities. The long-term economics look attractive, and we continue to look for funding from Enmax and others for climate enhancing opportunities.

Property Tax Dollars and the City’s Service Plans and Budget 2023-2026

We need Oakridge residents to actively support us by studying the engage process on the ‘Service Plans and Budget 2023-2026” at https://engage.calgary.ca/yourservices. This is where your property tax dollars will be spent, so it is worth checking out. We plan to develop a prioritized list of City-owned facility upgrades that Oakridge residents would like to see implemented. So let us know.

Many thanks.