Signal Hill’s President’s Message for October


Greetings Signal Hill Neighbours!

Hope all your usual fall activities are off to a good start, at least as well as can be expected given our ongoing COVID challenges. Your Board members have restarted regular full and committee meetings (continuing online for now), as we work to finalize our planning for 2021/22 and get a reasonable slate of events and projects lined up for the next year or so. A few highlights and updates:


In terms of recent activities, I hope some of you were able to participate in a series of Yoga in the Park sessions held on Saturday mornings during August and September. Weather pretty much cooperated, and a very capable instructor, Lynn Lederhos, provided her guidance.

At the time of writing this, we were in the final stages of planning for our popular Parade of Garage Sales for some time in late October. Please check our website for updates at


Just a reminder for those of you who have been ongoing members of the SHCA (Thank-you), that renewal notices are going out and we would really appreciate your continued support. And for those of you who are not members, please consider joining and adding your support to the community. Renewals and new memberships are available online via our website.

Rink Volunteers

Looking ahead a bit with optimism around having a “normal” rink and hockey season this winter, if you are interested in exploring the potential to become part of our rink volunteer team, please send a note to our rink coordinator, Rob, at [email protected].


And just a note that our Annual General Meeting is coming up, to be scheduled for late November. We will most likely hold this one online like last year, but details will be provided in the next newsletter and on our website as the date approaches.


As the Thanksgiving season and holiday approach, I would like to wish you and your families all the best. We’re coming up on two years of living with COVID, and I think the keys are adaptability, support of family, and a sense of community. We’re all in this together, and the best way through and out of it is to be there for each other.

Brian Lawrence

Signal Hill Community Association

[email protected]