Helmet Safety

bicycle helmet  e
manfredrichter / Pixabay

Choose the Right Helmet

Before buying a new helmet, consider the following:

  • Measure around your head at eyebrow level to know what size of helmet to buy
  • Decide what kind of helmet you need: a bike helmet, just for biking, or a multi-sport helmet that is approved for biking and other sports such as skateboarding and inline skating.
  • Try different styles and brands to find the one that fits you best
  • Check to make sure the helmet is safety approved for cycling and meets safety standards such as CSA, CPSC, Snell or ASTM.

Wearing Your Helmet

  • Make sure the helmet is level from front to back.
  • Check that the front edge sits 1 to 2 finger widths above your eyebrows.
  • Add or remove sizing pads, or adjust the ring fit system to make the helmet fit snugly.
  • Adjust the straps to form a V just below and in front of your earlobes.
  • Do up the chinstrap.
  • Adjust the chinstrap so there’s only one finger-width between your chin and the chinstrap.
  • Fit the helmet tighter if it moves when you nod or shake your head.
  • Wear your helmet every time you ride your bike.