A Walk in the Wetlands


by Alisha Sharma

Wetlands are a very important part of our community. They serve as a habitat for birds and other animals, especially when things such as city development force the animals out of their homes. Well, I’m here to support the idea of going to the wetlands more often. Let me share my experiences in the wetlands with you.

I enjoy going to a trail in the Silverado community which runs along a lively wetland. My favourite thing to do there is birdwatching. There’s a good range of birds in the wetland, so I recommend doing a bit of birdwatching in your free time. Common birds found there include yellow-headed blackbirds, red-winged blackbirds, Grackles, American Robins and if you’re lucky, you’ll find some ducks there as well. And the occasional run-in with the dreaded Canadian Geese!

The wetlands are also a great place to just walk, enjoy the view, and find a bit of time for yourself, which I know some people really struggle with. It’s calming, especially with all the sights and sounds; it definitely helps get rid of any stress. So, if you’re looking for your next “you-time” destination, check out the wetlands and see what you think.

I’ve recently noticed that each time I’ve walked or cycled in the wetlands, I’ve felt more active. My guess is it’s all the Vitamin D from the sun (but still, don’t forget sunscreen!). I feel I’ve improved my physical activity and I feel really good after a peaceful walk. I’m a kid and so far, being in the wetlands has piqued my curiosity because of the variety of creatures and plants. I just can’t help but explore it.

I hope you will begin exploring your local wetlands. Maybe next time you need somewhere to walk, to have a bit of “you-time”, or even to meet new people, make sure to try the wetlands.


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