Big Help


by Cheryl Dunkley

The first thing doc said was: “Where’s your cane?”

During our visit, I heard the same refrain.

Twice he ordered, so off I went

Got myself a “go any where”, money well spent.

Pretty good company, goes in the car.

Just remember to take it out when you plan to walk far.

Once I couldn’t find it, nowhere in the house.

Checked the garage – there on the shelf, quiet as a mouse.

It can be in any room, leaning against the wall.

Annoying when it doesn’t show up when I call.

Likes to hook on a doorknob, swing off the floor.

The rubber tip could wear out, then back to the store.

The cane is great company, helpful and quiet,

If you need to lighten the pressure, I suggest you try it!