Carolyn’s Corner: Welcome January


by Carolyn

The calendar has rolled around to January, often referred to as the month with nothing to look forward to but credit card bills. We’ll it’s time to revitalize yourself by shaking off the blahs and creating memories and solid daily routines. Did you know that January 6 is Epiphany Day? Celebrate by investigating what inspires you. A new job? A big idea? What about a fresh start to a broken relationship?

Connect with a single friend to see how they are doing after the Christmas and New Years festivities have died down. How are you doing? Don’t be afraid to reach out when depression starts to set in. By helping others in need during the dark days of winter you may find you have a lot to be grateful for! Take up a weekly online yoga class with your local yogi. How about aqua fit (aka hydrotherapy) classes at your local pool? Can’t get motivated? Find yourself an accountability friend to get you both to the pool. Reward yourself by chatting and relaxing with what I call ‘hot tub therapy’. On cold nights how about reviving those board games and puzzles from those shut in days of 2020? Have you tried using FaceTime or WhatsApp to challenge someone far away to a game of chess? It’s always better to play with familiar people for that human touch. Get yourself outside to loosen up your limbs and freshen up your brain. My husband Richard takes me out for a walk at least once a day with our kitten Mr. McGee in the ‘catpack’. There’s nothing quite like our blue Alberta sky, crisp air, and fresh snow crunching beneath winter boots to brighten your spirits. Let Fido run free and visit with his buddies at one of the many off-leash areas in the city. A natural and nurturing environment is important for both humans and animals alike!

Time your outside work for when the warm Chinook winds blow in. Take down the Christmas lights, ‘snow farm’ and prune off that dastardly obstructing branch or tame those unruly shrubs to lessen the load in the spring. January is the perfect time to order seeds for your veggie planters, bare root perennials for your gardens, and annuals for outdoor pots and containers.

As the veil of the darkest days of December begins to lift our spirits, we are met with thoughts of a new life. How will you change yours for the better?