Woodcreek’s January Executive Message


Happy New Year Woodcreek Residents.

I hope this message finds you well. As I am writing this, winter has descended. Just a week or so ago I commented to my husband that I couldn’t believe how lovely the weather was, yet this morning, I was walking my dog in -12. Welcome winter!

WCA had our AGM in late November. There have been a few changes to our board, yet a number of things have stayed the same. I, Cheryl MacLeod, remain your president. Keith Cartmell continues to be your 1st Vice President, Leann Long your 2nd Vice President, and Anne Christopoulous remains your Treasurer. I would be remiss if I didn’t thank these lovely individuals for all they do. We make a great team. At the time of print, our Secretary position remains vacant, although we have an interested party. Many thanks to Alanna Wall for fulfilling this role this past year. The board will miss you, but we are thankful you will be continuing to volunteer your time at our events. We have many returning Directors at Large. Thank you all for continuing to volunteer in this invaluable role, your dedication is much appreciated. We also welcome some new board members. Thank you to Jennifer Hogg, Victor Olagundoye, Naomi Burkinshaw, Ron Hinkey, Andre Ortiz, and Stephanie Lengsfeld for your willingness to join our board. We have a lot of fun, and I strongly believe that volunteering close to home has so many benefits.

WCA hopes you are continuing to find fun ways of staying active in our community. The rinks are up and running. Please have fun but be respectful of our neighbours. Keep those pucks low, feather those shots, and be mindful of the noise you make after 10:00 pm. We are lucky to have two wonderful hockey rinks and a pleasure rink, but let’s keep all of the people who use the rinks and live around them safe. WCA is hopeful that as this Chronicle goes to press, we have been able to establish a cross country ski track near Woodborough Park. If you are interested in helping out, e.g., laying tracks after a snowfall or filling in ruts after a lot of use, please contact the office. Furthermore, don’t forget how close we are to Fish Creek Park – hopefully, some sledding and walks/skis/snowshoes through the park have made your list this past month.

Finally, we are hopeful that we have been able to open our amazing facilities to social events in January. We have had lots of requests to host family dinners, senior’s gatherings, and get-togethers. However, with the evolving REP and the onset of the new COVID variant, we elected to hold off renting our lovely spaces or holding events until January. If the world is a little less crazy as you read this, please reach out to our fabulous office staff to see if we can accommodate your social gathering.

As always, please say “hi” if you see me in our neighbourhood. Please reach out to the office or board members if you have questions or concerns. We are here to help you and/or direct you to the appropriate channels if need be. We work very well with our Ward 13 councillor Dan MacLean and his team, our MLA Whitney Issik and her team, and our City of Calgary representative, Cathi Groves. One of these three are always able to help guide our residents in the direction things need to go.

Stay warm. Stay healthy. Stay safe.

Cheryl MacLeod, President