New Brighton’s November Open Challenge


Open Challenge to Our Kids

This year in February, we started for the first time in New Brighton, discussion between the Community Association, the Residents Association, and Dr. Martha Cohen School. We wanted to know how we can help each other and how can we run some projects to add nice things and fine tunes to our community. At the same time, we looked at what grants are available, and we put all our initial ideas together and applied for a grant. Thanks to the team effort, dedication, good ideas, and a bit of luck, we secured a 10K grant for different projects in our community.

You saw bits of info about what was done on the Facebook accounts of the Community Association and the Residents Association (the Clubhouse), and there is more fun things to come, but now the challenge here is for our kids – the students at Dr. Martha Cohen School said they find the garbage bins bland and that is why they don’t use them a lot. They were talking about wrapping them in different themes, like other ones in the city. We had no idea what this takes and if the grant would be approved, but here we are, many volunteering hours after, having a few of the garbage bins wrapped in a unique design (we had our own pictures and own design, everything made possible by the passion of people part of this project).

Now the challenge for our kids – will you show us that all this effort pays off? Will you be more careful with the disposal of the garbage? And will you please educate us, your parents, to do better when we are talking about not throwing garbage on the ground? Let’s see if this visual change will bring an improvement to the garbage problem, and if there is the case, then we can use this info to secure more funds in the future and to continue the beautification of the garbage bins. Thank you all and don’t forget, it is not about reinventing the wheel, it’s just about some fine tunes that can make a positive difference for our neighborhood. Let’s take good care of each other.