June 2022 Ward 4 Report – Councillor Sean Chu


Greetings Ward 4!

Show appreciation for seniors: June 6 to 12 is Seniors’ Week and it’s a great opportunity to show appreciation for older adults and the many contributions they make to our communities through volunteerism, assisting charities, and by supporting family members and friends.

This year’s theme is ‘Move & Groove – finding inspiration that moves you.’ It aims to inspire Calgarians to find joy through dance, music, and different cultural experiences. A variety of free events will be held in-person, with some online options as well. Events include music and dance performances, drop-in fitness classes, nature walks, cultural celebrations, presentations, and more. Participating Seniors’ Week partners include Studio Bell National Music Centre, Calgary Zoo, Telus Spark, the THIRD ACTion Film Festival, and various senior serving organizations.

Visit calgary.ca/seniorsweek for a complete list of activities taking place during Seniors’ Week, as well as the Government of Alberta’s website to learn more about the events planned throughout the province in recognition of older adults.

Seniors’ Week has been recognized since 1986 to celebrate and acknowledge the contributions seniors make to enhancing the quality of life in Alberta.

Property tax must be paid by June 30 to avoid late payment penalties. The City’s Tax Instalment Payment Plan (TIPP) is the most popular payment method. You pay the same amount as your annual property tax levy, but instead of one large lump sum payment in June, you pay smaller monthly instalments.

This makes budgeting easier, and you reduce the risk of late payment penalties. Signing up for TIPP is easy and you don’t need to re-apply each year. There is no filing fee or initial payment required.

Plan enrolment must be completed by the due date shown on your bill to avoid a late payment penalty. Avoid waiting and request your TIPP agreement today.

To request your TIPP agreement, go to calgary.ca/TIPP or call 311. If calling from outside Calgary, dial 403-268-2489 to request your agreement.

If you’re already on TIPP, you can visit calgary.ca/TIPP to learn how your monthly TIPP instalments are calculated and adjusted.

Thank you for your attention,

Ward 4 Cllr. Sean Chu

Ward 4 – Councillor Sean Chu proudly serves the following Communities: Beddington Heights, Brentwood, Cambrian Heights, Charleswood, Collingwood, Dalhousie, Edgemont, Greenview, Greenview Industrial Park, Highland Park, Highwood, Huntington Hills, North Haven, North Haven Upper, Queens Park Village, Rosemont, Skyline West, Thorncliffe, Triwood