Watering Wisely and Healthier Yards Go Hand-In-Hand


The summer ahead looks hot and dry, so let’s make the most of the water we use outdoors.

Did you know, Calgary’s dry climate is at risk of droughts, which can put pressure on our rivers and impact our water supply? During the summer, Calgary communities may experience an increase in water usage due to outdoor watering activities.

Following these six simple steps will help you prepare for the weather and build resiliency to drought in our city:

  • Water in the early morning, before 7:00 am, or later in the evening.
  • Watch the weather forecast and skip watering after a rain or when rain is forecast.
  • Keep your lawn at least three inches high. Taller grass shades the soil, requiring less water and staying healthier.
  • Add bark, wood chips, or mulch to reduce evaporation from your soil.
  • Water plants with a soaker hose, drip irrigation, or by hand to direct water to a plant’s roots and help avoid losing water to evaporation.
  • Capture and use the free rainwater that lands on your property! Install a rain barrel and use it to water your trees, shrubs, and flowers.

Visit calgary.ca/waterguide for information on how to create a water efficient yard, including Watering 101 for plants, shrubs, and trees, lawn care, and irrigation systems.