New Brighton: Safety in Our Community – March

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The crime numbers in New Brighton look better than last year, but as someone said, they are not perfect until you have zero crimes. It is up to you and me to prevent everything that can be prevented.

Adopt the 9pm routine – take a tour around your property, check if you locked the cars on the drive, check all the doors and windows, and don’t make life easy for the bad guys.

The overnight lights in front of your house are essential in making thieves feel uneasy and getting them to move on. Now, with the LED low consumption light bulbs, it is not a big expense to have them on overnight. We’ve received a few emails from residents about their streets being pitch black at night and they associated that with frequent robberies in the area. You can put your outside lights on a timer and have peace of mind with the night schedule for the lights. It is a small investment that can have a big impact on overall safety, let’s make our nights brighter.