CKE’s Message on City Zoning Changes – February

ChinookPark cn

Many of you have read or otherwise heard about the City’s contemplated change to zoning whereby all residential areas of Calgary would be re-zoned on a blanket basis to R-CG zoning. The City’s Council will hold a Public Hearing on the proposal on April 22 (stay tuned for more details).

If implemented across Calgary, this change to zoning means that row-houses, townhouses, multi-unit residences, single detached or semi-detached buildings could be built in CKE without you, your neighbours or our Community Association having any say, as long as the development were compliant with other City requirements respecting such matters as setbacks and height.

This would allow for a much greater level of densification on individual lots in CKE than contemplated in the Heritage Local Area Plan that was approved by the City in 2023. Under the Heritage Local Area Plan, the most typical contemplated level of densification within CKE allowed for two-unit development, with the possibility of secondary suites. The R-CG re-zoning, on the other hand, could easily allow eight units on the typical 50b lot, for which two units and two secondary suites may have been permitted under the Heritage Local Area Plan, with higher density permitted on larger lots. See this City link about R-CG zoning: for more details.

This potential rezoning could have a significant potential impact on CKE, so the CKE Community Association Board will be seeking feedback from residents in the near future in order to finalize our position on this proposal.

Stay tuned for more information from us in due course about this matter. If you haven’t already done so, you might wish to sign up for the electronic version of the CKE Community Newsletter to enhance access to interim updates from your Board outside the print schedule for the paper copy of the CKE Community Newsletter. You can sign up for this directly from the CKE Community website at and clicking on “Newsletter Sign-up” on the top of the page and providing your email address.

The proposal for blanket re-zoning also seems likely to receive significant media attention in the period leading up to the Public Hearing. This will offer another source of information for you as you formulate your own opinions about the pros and cons of this far-reaching potential change to zoning.

Doug McNeill

Planning Director

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