A Day in the Life of a Girl Guide Leader


by Karla W.

This article will talk about literally – a day in the life of a leader. The day of an actual unit meeting. From the perspective of an Ember leader (younger age group, 6 to 7 years old).

Up to this point, planning for today’s meeting has already been going on for some time. Perhaps a meeting in the summer sketching out a rough draft of what badge to work on, or prepping and buying materials, etc.

On the day of, many leaders (unpaid volunteers) work full-time so they prep before and pack up supplies for the meeting, maybe on the weekend. We make supper, eat fast, and are on our way to the meeting spot, arriving earlier than everyone else. We get there, haul our supplies to the door, and wait for the doors to get unlocked.

We then set up the sign-in table, bring our stuff downstairs, and try to setup before girls arrive. Next, we complete sign-ins and answer parents’ questions.

Remember at this point it’s a team effort. One leader can handle sign-in and bring the girls downstairs while the other leader(s) get ready and set up. That’s one really great thing about Girl Guides – shared leadership.

We do opening activities, which can range from active games and colouring to having the girls help set up supplies. Once we do our opening, i.e. sing an opening song, talk about their week and what we are doing today, we are off.

It is during this meeting time that the things that inspire us can happen, the things that make all the work and effort worth it.

Like seeing someone share her friendship beads with a girl sitting in the corner by herself, or the look of triumph after building a super tall, strong structure out of marshmallows and toothpicks. Building a wood project for the first time, or discovering that yes, you can swing a hammer/ “do science.” Having a normally very quiet girl successfully take the lead on an activity, game, or song, or even just listening to the screams of girls having a blast playing games.

These are the things that make it all worthwhile.