Budget Deliberations, Traffic Safety Meeting, Speaker Series: Olympics


Lots going on this October. This month want to let you know about upcoming budget deliberations and two events my office will be hosting. Hope to see you there!

Budget Deliberations

In November, Council will deliberate the 2019-2022 budget. Over the last number of months there have been numerous events for Calgarians to participate in this discussion. Council has also had an opportunity to establish a set of priorities and provide feedback to Administration ahead of the budget discussion. November will be one of the most important months for this current Council. Throughout the deliberations the public will have an opportunity to address Council and speak to what they feel is important. You can keep up to date on the entire budget process at www.calgary.ca/OneCalgary.

Ward 12 Traffic Safety Meeting

Calgary Police Service (CPS) and City of Calgary Transportation have been working together to find ways to address residential traffic safety issues within our communities. As a result of a motion I brought to Council in 2016, each Ward in the city has a Ward Residential Traffic Safety Town Meeting. Residents are encouraged to come to these meetings and share their feedback with CPS and City Transportation folks. CPS will be able to identify some specific problem areas in your community that may need more enforcement and Transportation can identify if there are traffic flow or engineering issues that could be addressed.

When: Thursday, October 11 from 7:00pm-8:30pm

Where: First Alliance Church (Discovery Room), 12345 40 Street SE

Ward 12 Speaker Series: Olympics

During my time on Council I have had a chance to work on a lot of issues that resonate with Calgarians. I can’t think of an issue that has resulted in more traffic to my office than the Olympic debate. And I think that’s a healthy thing. In November we will be having a plebiscite on whether or not we should proceed with a bid. In the interests of the discussion, I thought it was important to host an event in Ward 12 to hear from both critics and proponents of the Olympic Bid.

I have invited speakers from both the “Yes” and “No” campaigns to present at the Speaker Series. Both camps will be given an opportunity to share what they are about and their position. From there I will facilitate a Q&A session. And this is where I am looking to Ward 12 residents for help. My office wants to know what questions matter most to you. We will short list the best questions or the most common themes for the event. Please send your suggestions to my office at [email protected].

Details for the event are as follows:

When: Thursday, October 25 from 7:00pm-8:30pm

Where: Mahogany Beach House, 29 Masters Park SE