Park Cart Smart


When you set out your blue, green, and black carts properly, you’re helping to ensure safe and efficient operation of The City’s waste collection trucks. That includes how you park on the street outside your home, especially in cul-de-sacs. A few simple reminders will help make everyone’s day go smoothly:

  • When parking in a cul-de-sac, all vehicles must be parallel parked with passenger side wheels to the curb, unless there are signs permitting angle parking. This helps collection trucks reach your carts and turn around in a cul-de-sac.
  • Place your carts on flat ground, one metre away from your vehicle if parked on the street.
  • Improperly parked vehicles block driveways for residents and restrict access for emergency and waste management vehicles.
  • When parking in an alley, do not block the end of a closed alley with parked vehicles. Collection trucks need space to turn around safely.

These simple but important steps help ensure safe and efficient cart collection. Learn more at