January – Councillor Shane Keating’s Report


Happy New Year Ward 12! I hope everyone had a terrific holiday season. Here are a few of the latest updates from my office:

Snow and Ice Control

We’re in the midst of another classic Western Canadian winter. City crews have been out keeping our roads and pathways safe for Calgarians. You can check road conditions and find more information on our Snow and Ice Control program at www.calgary.ca/snow.

Notice of Assessment Appeal Process

Assessment notices were mailed out to property and business owners in the first week of January. These assessments provide the property value that your property taxes will be based on. If you have concerns about your assessment, be sure to make use of the Customer Review Period. The Customer Review Period runs from January until March 12, 2018. Changes to your assessment will only be considered if an inquiry is received during this period.

For more information please visit www.calgary.ca/assessment.

You’re Invited to the Ward 12 Open House!

The Ward 12 Open House is right around the corner. My office invites City of Calgary departments and external stakeholders to participate and have some terrific discussions with Ward 12 residents. Each partner will have presentation booths that provide information. They are looking forward to taking your questions and comments!

WHEN: Wednesday, February 7 from 7:00pm – 8:30pm

WHERE: McKenzie Towne Council Hall, 40 Mckenzie Towne Blvd SE

For more details please visit www.shanekeating.ca