October 2022 Ward 2 Report – Councillor Jennifer Wyness


CTrain Bike Pilot Extended to 2023

Cycling to your community CTrain station is not only a great way to keep healthy but is also good for the environment. Calgary Transit is continuing its pilot to see if bikes should be allowed on CTrains at all times, instead of being restricted to non-peak hours. During this pilot, we’ll be asking for feedback from riders to see if the current restrictions for bikes on CTrains should stay, change, or be removed.

Until March 31, 2023, bikes will continue to be permitted on CTrains at all times.

Here’s a quick reminder of the rules:

• Bikes are only allowed on the train if there is room for them (two bikes per bulkhead section of a car).

• Cyclists must yield space to seniors and customers with disabilities, mobility equipment, or strollers.

• You must dismount and walk your bike on the CTrain platform and onto the CTrain.

• Bikes can’t block access to the CTrain doors at any time.

• Cyclists should wait until non-cyclists have boarded before entering.

• Cyclists must exit if instructed to do so by a Calgary Transit official or peace officer.

• Cyclists must be in control of their bicycle at all times and be aware of any bike parts that may obstruct or injure. Your bicycle can’t lean against a seat, wall, pole, door, or other equipment on the train.

• Cyclists should only enter or leave using the doors marked for bikes and remain in the open areas of the CTrain car.

• Cyclists must stand with their bike.

• Cyclists are not permitted onto the train through the front door of the first car of the train and shall not obstruct the vehicle Operator’s access door.

To provide your feedback, visit calgarytransit.com/ctrainbikepilot.

Ward 2 – Councillor Jennifer Wyness proudly serves the following Communities: Arbour Lake, Citadel, Evanston, Hamptons, Hanson Ranch, Hawkwood, Hidden Valley, Kincora, Nolan Hill, Ranchlands, Sage Hill, Sherwood