Parliamentary Sessions

Calgary Heritage e

Parliament has returned to session following a winter break, and the legislative agenda ahead is expected to deal with many important and sometimes controversial federal issues for Canadians, including the government’s move to legalize recreational marijuana. Where ever they stand on issues of federal concern, I urge constituents to share their viewpoints with me as we begin debate and votes on these matters. Hearing from you helps me to do my job better as your representative in the House of Commons.

The break from Parliament proved a busy and productive time at home in the Calgary Heritage constituency. Over recent weeks, I had many occasions for local meetings and fact-finding and I am grateful to the people and organizations that took time to share with me their expertise and their ideas on federal topics ahead of my return to Ottawa. I also appreciated the many offers by local employers, researchers and non-profit groups to tour their facilities and see first-hand the good work they do locally and abroad to help build our economy, expand our international markets and to help people in crisis or need.

Thanks, too, to those who attended recent public events at our constituency office, including a successful Christmas open house. In addition, I hosted an event in February that included representatives of Service Canada to assist with local applications for Canada Summer Jobs grants, and a workshop alongside officials from Procurement Canada to help constituents with the process of bidding on federal contracts.

A busy session of Parliament lies ahead this spring and, as always, I am grateful for the privilege to represent you in Parliament and will work hard on your behalf. Watch your mail for communications from me, which will include surveys to gather your opinions and thoughts.