Blackfoot District Guiding April Update

Categories Girl Guides

It’s Cookie Time!

Spring is here and that means those yummy Girl Guide sandwich cookies are here too! Our Sparks, Brownies, Guides, Pathfinders, Rangers & Trex will be selling them the first weeks in April so look for us in your neighbourhood or at a local retail location. They are only $5.00 a box and support our many activities.

Girl Guides of Canada-Calgary Area organized an amazing fireworks display for its membership in celebration of Thinking Day on Saturday February 22nd. It was truly and explosive event enjoyed by all who attended.

The Spark units are eagerly looking forward to spring. The change in the season will see them keep busy making bird houses, participating in Sparklefest, potting plants and looking for ways to be outside and celebrate Earth Day.

The Brownie units will be selling cookies, going to camp and be hopping around doing clean-up in their communities for Earth day.

The Guide units went curling, snowshoeing and 3rd year Guides are working on completing their Lady Baden Powell Award by preparing for tent camping and organizing service projects.

The Pathfinder, Ranger & Trex units attended Alberta Girls Parliament in Edmonton, went skating and are prepping for backpacking and yurt camping.

Guiding is a great place to build new friendships and experience new challenges. Why not give us a try!

If you have any questions regarding Guiding or registration, please call

Calgary Area Girl Guides at 403-283-8348 or email at [email protected].

Girl Greatness Starts Here!