Calgary Catholic School District, Board of Trustees – December Update

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Personal Christmas Reflection from CCSD’s Board Chair Shannon Cook

by Shannon Cook, Chair, CCSD Board of Trustees

I live in a household of adults. A couple of times per week, there can be up to three of us working from home, but usually there are two of us in the house. Being alone in the house so infrequently means it feels strange when it does happen. While I appreciate the time alone without interruptions, – “Mom, where is the …,” “What’s for supper?” “When are we eating supper?” – when one or more of my crew returns, the world feels right again. My family “fills my bucket.” They bring me peace and joy and they make me feel confident and lovable just as I am. Who fills your bucket?

It is the Christmas season and there will be many chances for us to gather with people who fill our buckets. Phone calls or virtual technologies are necessary and sometimes all we have, but being tangibly present with people is a gift which gives us unique confidence in the love of those gathered, gladness for the gifts of each person, and peace and unmistakable joy at being together. What a beautiful gift!

As importantly, when we gather, Jesus is also present with vitality and energy. We can rejoice in his presence and relax in his unfathomable love. He loves us just as we are because we are lovable just as we are. He too can fill our buckets.

During the Christmas season, we are called to prepare a place for Jesus to come and be a part of our lives so that we go out and bring Jesus to others. Indeed, it is the strength, love, and peace that we receive from those who fill our buckets that will allow us to joyfully share the celebration of the Savior’s birth.

I hope that this Christmas season brings you many opportunities to gather and be close to all who fill your bucket and to see and feel Jesus in our midst.

On behalf of the Board of Trustees of the Calgary Catholic School District, we wish you much joy and peace during this Christmas season!