Bridgeland’s President’s/Editor’s Message for January


Happy Leap Year! I hope you all had a wonderful Holiday season and have planned how you are going to spend the extra day that 2024 is bringing us.

Looking ahead, in addition to continuing to provide our regular programs and events such as the Farmers’ Market, Arctic Adventure, Seniors’ lunches and kids soccer, the volunteers on the BRCA Board and its committees are hoping to add regular community information sessions to our calendar. These events will be intended to provide opportunities for community members to learn about various issues affecting our neighbourhood and allow for an exchange of views in an open, non-partisan format.

This initiative springs from events like the information session provided in Bridgeland by the Calgary Drop-In Centre last year. More recently, at the Community Hall in late November, we hosted a presentation by SafeLink Alberta, an organization working to reduce risks associated with sexual activity and substance use. Around forty residents attended and heard from four very dedicated and knowledgeable SafeLink representatives. Attendees asked questions and shared views on a number of issues including drug poisoning, mental health, homelessness, and social disorder. SafeLink said they would be pleased to present further on any of these issues and others that relate to the work they are doing.

It is no secret that property crime continues to be a problem impacting residents and businesses in our community, as is the case throughout Calgary. I recently spoke to the media about a rash of break-ins at a number of businesses and took the opportunity to mention an arrangement the BRCA had recently entered into with the Calgary Police Service. This pilot project will see CPS set up a community engagement hub in the Hall one day per week. The purpose is to increase the visibility of uniformed police officers in the neighbourhood and provide an opportunity for members of the public to interact with CPS members. CPS expects to launch this project this month. We welcome this opportunity to work with CPS to reduce crime in our community.

Stay tuned for further details of future information sessions on issues of interest to the community. On behalf of the BRCA Board, I wish you all a safe and healthy 2024.

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