Crossroads’ November Message from the President

Presidents Message Crossroads

WOW, it is absolutely amazing what’s going on in our community between now and the end of the year. In October, we had another successful North Yeast Beer Fest. So many community members coming back to the hall enjoying our neighbourhood craft brewers’ creations. Thanks for your support, Crossroads.

Have a look through these pages for the outstanding events coming up. New events like a rustic paint night and our annual craft fair is coming up in November. The tried and true Movie Night and Pub Night are rolling along.  Look for info on the new loyalty card for great benefits! December has our annual seniors’ dinner.

My home’s favorite Chocolate Mint Girl Guide cookies are available. Look in the coming pages for info on how you can get your boxes! The Scout Popcorn ought to be delivered soon too. Christmas is coming and a sweet time to enjoy treats.

You might recall we asked people to join our Community Planning Committee. We have only had one meeting and really need this to take shape soon to have an impact on what the community wants to see developed here. There are MANY developments coming our way these days and much discussion about how the city will be handling these planning developments in the future and we need more dedicated people to join that committee and be at our general meetings to engage in discussions on developments. Reach out to me at [email protected] and be available to come out on the first Sunday of the month to advance the discussion with the board.

The Hall marketing committee could also use some help. Please join us.

That’s all for now. Have a happy fall Crossroads.